Monday, April 26, 2010

Together and Apart

This past weekend was pretty fun! Aside from the busyness, it was a realization on how a married couple can be one, yet on various levels of being apart.

To start, Matt and I spent Friday on our own with friends.  I spent the day at Disneyland with a couple of my closest girlfriends, while Matt spent time with a couple of his buddies for the evening.  We each got home later that night, and talked about our day before going to sleep.  We both enjoyed sharing about our day apart, and admitted that we started to miss each other towards the end.  It reminded me of the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder".  It also reminded me of when we were dating in college. We would spend one day together, and the next apart... time apart makes you appreciate the time you do have together.  Sometimes this is true with work days as well.  You work the entire day, and look forward to the evening with your sweetie - but there's something different when you spend your free time apart.  I must say, that even while I was physically apart from Matt and having fun with my friends, he was definitely on my mind everywhere I went - even in conversation when I caught myself say "we" more than "I".

Saturday we spent the day at my parents' house... yet doing our own things.  I helped my mom with her jewelry show she was hosting, while Matt spent the day working on his mustang's brakes with my dad and friend Justin.  So even though we were in the same location, we were each doing our own thing.  I truly enjoyed getting to spend time with my mom, sister, and the ladies that came and went... but I loved knowing in the back of my mind that my husband was just around the corner.  As a couple, you go many places together, and I realized that being one in marriage, doesn't always mean being attached at the hip.

Sunday we spent the morning at church and had brunch with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend. Afterward, Matt and I went home and did chores.  We each had our respective chores... I scoured the sinks, and he checked car oil, I dusted, he vacuumed, I cleaned out for Goodwill, and he cleaned out the dishwasher, I cooked, and he did the dishes. We spent the entire day together, but we had our separate things to do.  I realized that sometimes the things that we do differently, are the things that help make us a better team.

Overall, I think we're getting this marriage thing down. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Love it! You guys are an awesome couple! I find it funny that Chad and I did the same exact thing after Disneyland, we both got in our jammies, got into bed and just talked about our days.
