Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Trip To Monterey!

Memorial Day weekend Matt and I drove up to Monterey to visit our friends Nick and Katie!

Despite the 5-6 hour drive, it seems like no matter how many times you've driven it... you forget how relaxing and fun it can be. Beautiful scenery, CD marathons, random rest stops, and some of the most wonderful discussions! It's amazing how much can be said when you are stuck in a car for that long. :-) Thinking of names we like for kids (for later!), discussing life's events, dreaming up future vacations, talking about how hungry we are and where we will stop next, wondering what things will be like in 10 years, etc.

Once we got to Nick and Katie's, it was a weekend chalk-full of fun, relaxation, great food and wine!! Our first night there, we tried 3 kinds of wine, and had home-made pizza! It was absolutely amazing! Matt and I also got introduced to the show "Dexter". It's disturbingly addictive to watch... and a little gross, haha. We'll probably stick to watching "The Biggest Loser"... but it's neat to finally see what all the hype is about with that show! (Picture: Nick and Matt doing the dishes)

The second day, Katie and I spent time catching up while shopping, getting coffee, and browsing books at Borders. Nick and Matt caught up playing video games, throwing the football, and watching TV. We always seem to split off for a day when when we visit to get our girl-time & guy-time in. Katie and I have known each other since 3rd grade, and Nick and Matt have known each other since 5th grade... and since we barely get to see each other, it's nice to get that one-on-one time with an old friend. :-)

The third day, the four of us went to Calvary Chapel for church. The message was really great - their Pastor went over a story in 1 Samuel, which was neat since I had just read that story on my own a week before.

Afterward when we got out, the weather had warmed up into the 70's, and was so beautiful out! We decided then to head over to Canary Row and then the wharf and have clam chowder for lunch. You really can't beat fresh-made clam chowder!

Our last night there the boys BBQ'ed steak... and oh my goodness... it just melted in your mouth - it was so good!!! And all they seasoned it with was salt! Amazing!

The picture below is of the boys, having wine and cigars while prepping the BBQ (they are too cute!). Matt and I don't have a BBQ yet, and so this night was a real treat!

Overall, it was the most relaxing weekend we've had in a long while! And even though the drive home took 7 and 1/2 hours with traffic... you can't beat time spent with great friends!

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